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Back and neck problems
Connective tissue
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Muscles and tendons
Joint replacements - artificial joints
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About Muscles and Joints

About Muscles and Joints

Your complete medical guide with high quality up dated information contributed by Scandinavian Doctors and medical professionals delivered free to you.

What do we deliver to you.

The Muscles and Joints portal provides comprehensive and concentrated information about diseases, injuries and degeneration of the skeleton structures, the muscles and connected soft tissue. The content includes information on diagnosis, treatment, prevention and healthy lifestyle.

Our directory contains newly up-dated medical information provided by a large team of Scandinavian physicians, medical professionals, medical artists and graphic designers.

Our aim is to be your long term, one stop, partner in your search for concentrated, crisp and well presented medical information.

The information on Muscles and Joints is solely for information purposes and cannot replace competent professional advice or treatment by trained and licensed therapists and doctors.

Users should read the section "Terms and conditions" below for further guidance.

If you wish to contact Muscles and Joints contact us by e-mail to: info@musclesandjoints.com


Test yourself
Back and neck problems
Connective tissue
Bone tissue diseases
Muscles and tendons
Joint replacements - artificial joints
Health news
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